Lifeguard Spring Training (Part 2)

Looking for a challenge that will get you in shape for Springtime? Look no further. You’ve probably tracked along Part I of our Spring training series — so now, it’s time for Part II. These 5 exercises — especially in conjunction with your Part I exercises — will bring on the sweat.

1. Burpees

Starting off with a bang. Burpees are a full-body, full-cardio workout that also strength-trains. What can’t burpees do?! Well, balance. But that’s coming next.

2. Single-leg squats

Part II is fearless. Single-leg squats are no small feat, but they help you round out your balance as you squat from standing to floor… on only one leg. Be sure to work both legs the same amount so you don’t over-gain muscles on one side.

3. Wall Push-Ups

Take it (somewhat) easy with wall push-ups to grow stronger in your arms and shoulders. This is a modified push-up that keeps you standing — it’s great for anyone who is a beginner in push-up world. If you’re looking to push your push-up to the max, get on the ground and go for the full motion.

4. Dumbbell Row

Rowing is a useful skill for lifeguards to have, so if you’re unable to hop on a rowing machine, try a dumbbell row. You’ll bend at 90 degrees (but be careful not to lock out your knees!) and row one dumbbell at a time. Try to focus on engaging your back muscles each row.

5. Crunches

Push yourself at the end of your workout with a series of — wait for it — 100 crunches. This will get your heart pumping and your core pulsing.

Ta-da! You made it to the end of your Spring workouts. Try these several times a week and you’ll feel a difference in your strength and momentum. You can always modify your workout or up the ante. Just listen to your body and keep your eyes on the Spring prize.

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