American Red Cross Gets Official With Lifeguard Training Products!
In recent years there have been irregularities with certain lifeguard training items causing environmental and compatibility issues. The diving bricks that lifeguards have used for decades began being produced by some manufacturers with substandard materials and were often mis-sized creating compatibility problems when used with other training items. This poor quality material would often result in product deterioration and leaching of chemicals that were potentially hazardous to users and the pool and marine environment.
The American Red Cross set out to solve this problem by creating an “OFFICIAL” Dive Brick that users could depend on to be made from the highest quality materials and is manufactured in a set standard size that is compatible with other Red Cross lifeguard training products such as the Red Cross Passive Drowning Victim Silhouette Manikin. The Official Red Cross Dive Brick is made from the highest quality Malaysian Rubber straight from the rubber tree and is harvested an environmentally sustainable manner. The “Official” Brick is available in unique colors such as Red, Red / Black, as well as the standard Black.
The Red Cross has also created a matching “Official Red Cross Dive Ring” in matching colors to complement the Brick. These products as well as a whole host of other lifeguard training products are available online at the American Red Cross Store, which you can access by clicking here.
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