How Lifeguards Can Maintain A Strong Immune System

It seems like immunity has been top of everyone for the past two years, but it’s no new news to lifeguards. Jobs that require physical and mental endurance mean strong immune systems are absolutely non-negotiable. In addition to maintaining overall strong physical health, lifeguards take extra steps to ensure their immune system is in tip-top shape. Here’s how:

1. Drink water

Hydration is key to a strong immune system. It helps you arrive at (and maintain) a healthy weight and body temperature. It keeps your skin healthy and aids your body in digestion. Being a detox, water flushes your body of bad things, toxins, and waste. It’s a simple way to do good for your body. As long as you can make it a habit and remember to fill up your water bottle regularly, you’ll set yourself up for success.

2. Take vitamins

If you’re eating healthy foods, you’re probably already getting a good bit of vitamins from your diet. That said, daily vitamins go a long way — and they cover the ground that your diet may not be able to cover. Just like your water consumption, make it a habit to take your vitamins every day with one of your meals.

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3. Sleep regularly and well

Especially for lifeguards, who are hard at work all day, sleep is a must. This is your time to rest and recover — so you’re ready for the next day. When you’re exerting physical energy throughout the day, you need to make sure you’re resting for an adequate amount of time, that it isn’t broken sleep, and that you’re comfortable throughout your night’s rest.

4. Eat healthy foods

When it comes to diet, every body is different. While plant-based diets work for some, high-protein diets may work better for others. It’s a matter of learning what makes your body feel the healthiest and strongest and sticking to a diet that will support that.

The good news is building a strong immune system isn’t hard to do. If you make it a habit to live a healthy life — both physically and mentally — you’ll start to build an invincible immune system that’s ready to handle anything that comes its way.

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