Vitamins that Should be in Every Lifeguard’s Diet
“Eat your vitamins.” We’ve all heard it from doctors, parents, bosses, and even friends. If you’re a lifeguard or you’re training to become a lifeguard, you may have heard this particularly often. Why? A lifeguard’s immune system needs to be bulletproof — to withstand the physical and mental endurance required for the job on a daily basis. The good news is you can start with four vitamins and you’ll be off to a great start.
1. Vitamin D3
You may have heard about vitamin D3 when the pandemic first began. This superhero vitamin is known for building and boosting immunity, reducing inflammation, strengthening bones and muscles and improving the heart’s function.
If you want to find vitamin D3 naturally, you’ll find it in foods like salmon, tuna fish, swordfish, egg yolk and cow’s milk. Not a fan of those foods? No worries. You can take a daily vitamin D3 supplement.
2. Vitamin C
Surprised? Probably not. Vitamin C is a well-known vitamin, but do you know why it’s so good for you? Found naturally in oranges and bell peppers, vitamin C helps your body heal from stress or damage. It plays a huge role in the building of blood vessels, cartilage, muscles and collagen. When your body’s feeling run down, a healthy dose of vitamin C goes a long way.
3. Quercetin
Quercetin is technically a plant pigment, and it has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects on the body. That means it can help reduce inflammation and swelling, control blood sugar, kill cancer cells and maintain a healthy heart.
4. Zinc
Sound familiar? You’ve probably heard of zinc one way or another. Some lifeguards apply zinc topically as sunscreen! But for the sake of vitamin ingestion, we’re talking about the type of zinc you take by mouth. Zinc is a healing vitamin and plays a huge role in the building and maintaining of the immune system. It also helps reduce stress — so that’s a bonus!
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